We all know that knowledge is power!
Fire Main Solutions would like to share some knowledge that can empower you to make a smart decision on your project. Getting involved with a contractor that is unknowledgeable in their own trade can leave you in a bad place. Fire Main Solutions takes pride in keeping up with and following the most current requirements set forth by the great state of Texas.
Things to know!
The Texas Insurance Code Ch. 6003, Fire Protection Sprinkler System Service & Installation & 28 TAC && 34.700 the Fire Sprinkler Rules were amended, and now per the Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. 730, Sec. 1J.001, effective April 1, 2009,
Sec. 6003.151 - Fire Protection Sprinkler Contractor; Registration Certificate Required (a) states "Unless the individual or organization holds a registration certificate issued by the department, an individual or organization may NOT plan, sell, install, maintain, or service a fire protection sprinkler system."
Sec. 6003.251 - Prohibited Practices (2) states "An individual or organization may not plan, sell, install, maintain, or service a fire protection sprinkler system in violation of this chapter or the rules adopted under this chapter."
Sec. 6003.001 - Definitions (1) states ""Fire protection sprinkler system" means an assembly of underground or overhead piping or conduits that conveys water with or without other agents to dispersal openings or devices".
Sec. 34.706 - Definitions (20) Sprinkler System (b) states "is an installation including a water supply such as a gravity tank, fire pump, reservoir, or pressure tank, and/or connection by underground piping to a city main from the point of connection or valve where the primary purpose of the water is for a fire protection sprinkler system".
NFPA 24 Chapter 1, Sec. 1.1.2 states "This standard shall apply to combined service mains used to carry water for fire service and other uses."
Sec. 6003.003 - Effect on Local Regulation (a) states "This chapter and the rules adopted under this chapter have uniform force and effect through this state."
Sec. 6003.301 - Criminal Penalty (a) states "A person commits an offense if the person knowingly violates Section 6003.151(a), 6003.153, or 6003.251." (see following)
Sec. 6003.153 - Responsible Managing Employee: License Required (b) states "A person may not act as a responsible managing employee unless the person holds a license issued by the department"
Sec. 6003.155 - Display of Registration Certificate Number on Certain Documents Required states "Each bid, proposal, offer, and installation drawing for a fire protection sprinkler system must prominently display the registration certificate number of the fire protection sprinkler system contractor."